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It brought contact with the ideas and skills of other cultures

What caused the Mycenaean society collapse?

The broad Bronze Age collapse most likely included the Mycenaean Collapse. It's likely that the development of and capacity to produce superior iron weapons of war that surpassed bronze period weaponry had an impact on or destroyed these temple communities.

Whatever transpired, it's certain that many of these people escaped before a widespread threat that affected a big geographic region.

For those who are interested in the history of the Hebrew Bible, the Philistines—a name that the Romans appropriated for and applied to the conquest of the Holy Land around 135 ACE, AD—appeared around coastal Gaza as they also fled the mysterious catastrophe. Today's Jordan, Syria, Israel, and other nations are included in this group. The Philistines were an Aegean sea people who were not Jews. The notorious Philistine Delilah from the Bible was likely a representative of their religious group tasked with seducing Samson and weakening his resolve by making him enamored with her beauty. The powerful giant Goliath, who faced up against the shepherd king David, was also a Philistine.

Were there additional local elements at play that contributed to the Mycenaean Collapse? Evidently, a 300-year drought also devastated this region.

We must accept the conjectures of archaeologists and knowledgeable historians because the majority of people were running from unknown horrors and either did not have the time to write about this calamity or were illiterate.

What happened to the Mycenaean civilization?

The Late Bronze Age Collapse, which occurred in the 1200s BC, wiped out the Mycenaean civilisation. Additionally wiped off were the Minoans, Trojans, Hittites, and Ugaritians. Cyprus and Egypt nearly made it. The Nubians later defeated the Egyptians. The Assyrians and Sardinian Nuragic civilizations were both unharmed. In 911 BC, the Assyrians founded an empire.

Greeks relocated the city of Mycenae, but it remained a backwater town.

It served as the first phase of progress in Ancient Greece's history. Greece had developed and advanced art, literary styles, and a system of urban planning throughout this time. The new developments made during the Mycenaean Civilization are listed below:

  • Greece's craftsmen produced luxury jewelry, adornments, and practical objects out of precious metals and stones.
  • In the Mycenaean Civilization, trade expanded quickly. The primary utensil items were oil, wine, and ornamental goods.
  • Amazing engineering feats were accomplished during the time. According to archaeological studies, the Mycenaean Civilization had highly advanced drainage systems, walls, and bridges for its period.
  • During that time, several scripts were created and employed. The history of life and the development of civilisation was written down in linear B script.

As a result, trade with other nations was the primary factor in the Mycenaean Civilization's progress. It led to the sharing of thoughts and ideas from many cultures, which aided in the creation of new concepts for art, organization, trade, and language.

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