Use the tener que infinitivo expression to complete the sentences below about what people have to do. For each sentence,
fill in the first blank with the appropriate conjugation of tener, and fill in the second blank with an infinitive that makes
sense from the word bank below.
Do not capitalize, as it will confuse the system.
Activity by Bradley Link.
Word bank for infinitives: lavar viajar
1. Yo
2. Mi esposa y yo no
3. Mi amigo
4. Ella
5. Mis hijos
comprar hablar
mi carro.
los viernes porque no hay clase los sábados.
a Chicago para una conferencia.
con su jefa* sobre su horario. "boss
crayones para la clase de arte.

Use the tener que infinitivo expression to complete the sentences below about what people have to do For each sentence fill in the first blank with the appropri class=