read two numbers from user input. then, print the sum of those numbers. hint -- copy/paste the following code. the first line of code provided reads a number from input and assigns num1 with that number. repeat for num2. type code where the question marks are to finish the code. num1

Respuesta :

The given program is written in python that finds the sum of two numbers entered by the user.  First, it prompts the user to input two numbers and converts them to integers. Secondly, it calculates their sum and displays the result of addition.

The required code is given as follows:

num1 = int(input())

# prompts the user to input the first number in variable num1. Input () function returns a string value so the entered number is first converted into integer using the function int().

num2 = int(input())

# prompts the user to input the second number in variable num2.  Input () function returns a string value so the entered number is first converted into integer using the function int().

print(num1 + num2)

# adds num 1 and num 2. Then prints result of sum

You can learn more about how to add two number using programming language at