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To what is wax susceptible?

Wax has been used for thousands of years by humans. It can only be molded and manipulated to our advantage by applying various levels of heat. This leads us to conclude that wax is susceptible to heat where it generally melts into a highly viscous liquid and hardens once it returns to room temperature


The characteristics of wax:

It is malleable

it is lipophilic.

Most types of wax are malleable, which means we can mold them into various shapes although some require a certain level of heat before it becomes workable.

Here are 3 types of wax with different levels of malleability.

Candle wax  

wax used to coat Edam and other European cheeses  


Candle wax (tallow and paraffin wax) has a very low ductility, which actually makes it brittle. This means that bending a candle will cause it to break. On when you apply the right amount of permeating heat that reaches the core will it bend.  

The familiar red rind of the Edam cheese (queso de bola) from the Netherlands is made out of malleable wax (red paraffin wax). This easy to peel coating protects the cheese as it ages and intensifies in flavor.  

Due to its paper-thin construction, beeswax is very malleable. Bee hunters from the province would often just chew on the pieces of honeycombs to eat the honey and spit it out like bubblegum.  

Wax is also lipophilic which makes it resistant to water. This property makes it a good material for sealing and waterproofing objects.  

Click on the links for more information:

The water solubility of molecular compounds is?

Solvent and their characteristics

What is Solvent in Science




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