PSYCHOLOGY For this assignment, you are tasked with finding, taking, and posting a photo in your environment (inside or outside) that best reflects the information you learned in this module - either chapter 2 or 3. After reading the chapters and watching the corresponding lecture videos, what topic or concept did you enjoy learning about the most? What topic or concept did you find most interesting? Once you have selected a topic or concept from the chapter, you are tasked with representing that topic/concept through a photograph of something that you think embodies that concept/topic. What can you take a picture of that reflects the topic/concept you have decided on? You will also need to explain how the subject matter of the picture is related to the topic/concept. NOTE: The questions included are meant as a guide for you to determine what concept you want to take a picture of and how to start explaining the relevance of your photograph.

Pictures should be original content that you generate, not an image taken from someone else's content. I also want you to explain why the photo is indicative of the chapter in at least 150 words. Explanations should be relevant.

This assignment is also a way to practice your uploading skills for your video presentation due later in the semester.

Your picture must be unique to you and original content.

Do not steal content that is not yours

Upload photos as jpeg, png, or gif file extensions.

Some students find it easier to create a Word or similar document to copy and paste their photo in the document, include the explanation, and then upload that document to the assignment.

THESE ARE THE CONCEPTS biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic.