Respuesta :

If a cell experienced a dramatic reduction in the number of nucleotides, the least affected would be the concentration of amino acids inside the cell.

Biomolecules are substances that are created by cells and subsequently used for metabolic processes. These molecules include lipid molecules and proteins that are essential for maintaining the cellular structure, supplying energy for metabolic activities, and carrying out a variety of other tasks. In the course of translation, these tRNAs deliver amino acids to the ribosome, where they mix with the appropriate codons.

The newly created amino acids are then joined as the ribosome moves along the mRNA molecule in a ratchet-like manner, helped by its resident rRNAs. The amino acids need to be delivered and deposited in the appropriate locations by tRNA in order to construct the intended protein. The components of ribosomes are proteins and rRNA. Two separate subunits make up each ribosome.

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