Ron bought two comic books on sale. Each comic book was discounted $1 off the regular price r. Write an expression to find what Ron paid before taxes. If each comic book was regularly $2.50, what was the total cost before taxes?

Respuesta :

Step 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} A\text{ regular price of r for a comic book on sale} \\ A\text{ discount of \$1 before tax} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Required; To

1) write an expression to find what was paid by Ron before taxes

2)Find the total cost before taxes of the comic books, if each one costs $2.50

Step 2

Write the expression of what Ron paid before taxes

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{\$}2(r-1) \\ \text{Note; One book costs \$(r-1)} \\ \text{\$}(2r-2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

If each book was regularly $2.50, find the total cost before taxes

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\text{\$}2.50 \\ \text{Total cost=\$(2(2.50)-2)} \\ \text{Total cost=\$(5-2)=\$}3 \end{gathered}[/tex]