16. An empty jar has a volume of8x2 + 2x - 4 cubic inches. Josh pours4x2 – 3x +2 cubic inches of waterinto the jar. How many more cubicinches of water could the jar stillhold?

Respuesta :

Volume of empty jar 8x² + 2x - 4

Volume of water poured = 4x² - 3x + 2

More number of cubic inches that the jar can still hold= (8x² +2x - 4) -(4x²- 3x+2)

= 8x² + 2x - 4 - 4x² + 3x - 2


=8x² - 4x² + 2x + 3x - 4 - 2

=4x² + 5x - 6

Hence, the more number of cubic inches that the jar can still hold is

4x² + 5x - 6