Read the poem: " A Man Said to the Universe," by Stephen Crane
A man said to the universe:
"Sir, I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
"A sense of obligation."
–"a man said to the universe," stephen crane which part of the poem creates a cynical tone?

Respuesta :

The tone that is cynical is that It emphasizes that the universe is privy to humankind but nonetheless does now no longer care.

It famous that humankind is self-focused sufficient to assume that the universe have to care. It shows that human beings have a tendency to peer matters as they desire they were, now no longer as matters are.The universe recognizes the man's lifestyles certainly with the aid of using responding to . "A feel of be noticed, one have to make a distinction withinside the international.

The international is a quite large place, however the universe is even bigger. There are billions of human beings withinside the international, to be able to make a distinction and in fact be noticed, one have to do some thing definitely remarkable.

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