which is generally stronger, intermolecular interactions or intramolecular interactions?
which is generally stronger, intermolecular interactions or intramolecular interactions?
intermolecular interactions are generally stronger.
intramolecular interactions are generally stronger.
these interactions are equally strong.

Respuesta :

Intramolecular interactions are more stronger than intermolecular interactions.

The two types of forces that hold separate molecules and atoms together are intramolecular and intermolecular forces. The motion of atoms and molecules is governed by these forces. Intramolecular forces are those that hold the atoms together within a molecule. Chemical bonds are created as a result of these factors. Intermolecular forces are therefore substantially weaker than intramolecular forces.

When two atoms share electrons or give/take electrons from/to another atom, this is known as an intramolecular interaction. A covalent bond is referred to as when two atoms share electrons. Ionic bonds are created when one atom loses or gains an electron.

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