Respuesta :

The arrangements and movements of performers relative to each other and to the stage space is called blocking.

About Blocking in stage

The blocking referred to here is the layout of the cast when on stage. Just so you know, their location wasn't a random choice of actors or actresses, it was all arranged from the start.

This doesn't mean limiting the improvisation of the actors in the drama, but indeed their position can directly influence whether or not the stage is good. So it's important for every drama actor to learn how to manage blocking, so that his role can be more optimal in front of the audience

How to process blocking

1 Approaching Reality.

This is one of the targets for blocking management, making every detail that is presented on stage really close to the reality you want to tell.

2 Proportional.

This is also an important point in processing blocking in drama. Every arrangement must be ensured to be proportional so as not to make it one-sided which ultimately interferes with the view. Starting from the location of the cast and the props, try to fit the atmosphere you want to build in the scene. Properties that are intended as supporters should not interfere with the acting of the players.

3 Position Variations.

Although the story raised in the drama is very interesting, the positioning is not varied, so the audience can get bored. Especially if the plot of the drama tends to be slow, variations in arrangement are very important to maintain audience interest. The composition is made not monotonous, whether it's from the aspect of movement or its location.

4 Central Points of the Story.

Although the stage is very wide, the view of the audience is still limited. They can only see one point at a time. Because of this there is the term center point in a drama stage, to refer to the area that becomes the point of attention of the audience during the scene. All actors and properties need to be directed to support the audience's attention at that central point.

5 There is balance.

The meaning of Balanced in Blocking is related to the position of the players, the position of the property objects used during the performance which are arranged in such a way according to the script and the setting of the place. So it doesn't cluster in one place and can spread to the corners of the stage.

6 Have Wholeness.

The purpose of wholeness is that the displayed blocking should be able to show the connectedness between the components involved. So all the placement of player positions, player movements, placement of property objects must be able to support each other so that they show the impression of a complete story and there are no good positions between players and property objects that overlap each other.

Learn more about blocking in stage