Respuesta :

Gram positive bacteria are identified using biochemical tests such as the catalase test, the coagulase test, the starch hydrolysis test, and the nitrate test, whereas Gram negative bacteria are identified using biochemical tests such as the oxidase test, the urease test, the indole test, the sulphur test, and the methyl red/voges-proskauer test.

Why is the Gram stain such an effective diagnostic tool?

Knowing whether your bacterium is Gram-positive or Gram-negative might help your doctor determine what sort of illness you have and which drugs will be most helpful in treating it.

Microbial identification is accomplished by three methods: genotypic, proteotypic, and phenotypic. Genotypic identification examines the sequences in bacteria and fungi's rRNA regions, whereas proteotypic approaches examine the ribosomal proteins produced.

learn more about gram-negative rods refer