the classical conditoning technique that treats anxiety through creative electronic stimutlatioun in which people can safely face their greatest fears is called

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The classical conditioning technique that treats anxiety through creative electronic stimulation in which people can safely face their greatest fears is called behavioral techniques.

How a phobia develop with classical conditioning?

Watson and Rayner had demonstrated that a phobia could be produced through classical training. An unreasonable fear, or a fear that is excessive compared to the threat, is what is known as a phobia. Little Albert was watched throughout the following weeks and months, and ten days after conditioning, his fear of the rat was noticeably less pronounced.

By exposing people to the things they dread or avoid, classical conditioning: behavioral approaches, relieves anxiety.

1. Systematic desensitization: Connects an enjoyable, relaxed state with escalating, anxiety-inducing stimuli. used frequently to treat phobias

2. Virtual reality exposure therapy: a counter conditioning method that reduces anxiety by allowing people to safely confront their worst fears in imaginative electronic simulations.

To know more about conditioning technique, refer: