
1.Which of these processes was used to form the words soap opera?
2.Which of these processes was used to form the word movie?
3.Which of these processes was used to form the word baby-sit?
4.Which of these processes was used to form the word phone?
5.Which of these processes was used to form the word prefabricate?
6.Which of these processes was used to form the word donate?

prefix addition
suffix addition
back formations

Respuesta :

Before answering the questions I would like to give a short explanation of each word formation process:

1.- Prefix addition is when a prefix is added to a word to for a new word, for example: work----over we add the prefix over to form the new word overwork from the verb work.

2.-Suffix addition  for example: work----er we add the prefix er to form the new word worker from the verb work.

3.- Compounding is s the word formation process in which two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen.

For example: dinning-table

4.- Telescoping (blending) is the process of merging parts of words into one word. For example : galumph gallop + triumph, or chortle chuckle + snort.

5.- Shortening  or clipping is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts . Clipping is also known as "truncation". for example: maths from mathematics.

6.- Back formation is the process of forming a new word (a neologism) by removing actual or supposed affixes from another word. for example:

the verb burgle from the older English noun burglar.

Now let us answer the questions:

1 = compounding

2 = compounding

3 = prefix addition

4 =  back formations

5 = prefix addition

6 = back formations