Respuesta :

it has caused families to have try to sneak out of the country


  • The rich in culture and Underdeveloped region:

Pakistan is basically a Muslim country, situated in South Asia. Muslims are living in majority, but there are also a number of Sikh and christian communities, along with a small number of Hindus in the country.

Conflicts and there causes inside Pakistan:

As for then 2 decades, there is conflict with India because of Kashmir and due to the fact that once this country was a part of the great Sub-continent.

Along with that some terrorist group were there in the northern causes great damage to the economic, financial and social stability of the country.Leading the whole region into a more then just being underdeveloped but the people living in this region are facing depression and unhealthy problems due to loss of there loved ones and damage to there belongings.


War zones in the Country:

For more then a decade there is a sense of war like situation in the northern region of the country which lead many locals to migrate towards other cities and towns inside the country. Due, to the unstable political and economic situations in the country there is lack of security for companies to invest in the region, making it more difficult to have jobs more easily.

  • Because,the normal GDP value is concerned with the countries rate of productivity which is killed by lack of firms inside the country and for that reasons jobs do not really exists if we look into the normal level or balance around the globe.

Effects on Individuals and as whole on families:

Due, to the unstable situations inside the region there is a lack of opportunities for the people to put some bread on table for there kids and it makes the situations more worsen when they see there beloved one for years after years just because of having no other source to earn but just that single person. It leads to lack of harmony and peace inside the region.

  • As men tends to go to other countries to earn some money and feed there family, which makes to stay inn contract not to leave the country more then just a single year.
  • Along, families have lost many of the beloved due to the war time, leading them into a more depressed phase of life.Many are handicapped and have no source to earn or even a shelter to live in because most of the war effected towns and cities are just ruins. SO, the families are greatly effected due to war.