Which statement best summarizes the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland?

A) Federal courts can declare laws and presidential acts unconstitutional.
B) Establishing a national bank is an implied power of the federal government.
C) Congress has the sole authority to regulate interstate commerce and trade.
D) The federal government has no authority to abolish slavery in new territories.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is B.

McCulloch v. Maryland was a case discussed by the US Supreme Court which led to the enactment of a landmark decision in 1819. It delimited the scope of the different goverment levels existing in the US. More specifically, it declared the supremacy of the federal goverment over the states, whose power to interfere with the federal decisions is limited.  Moreover, some of the federal powers are implied, which means that they are not explictly enumerated in the Constitution but authorized by its provisions.

In this case, the state of Maryland could not challenge the decision of creating a national bank that had been adopted at a federal level. The creation of a national bank was not listed as one of the powers of the federal goverment in the Constitution, therefore it is an implied power.

The statement best summarizing the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland is,establishing a national bank is an implied power of the federal government.

Further Explanations:

In McCulloch versus Maryland case of Supreme Court held in 1819, the court gave the decision in favor of Congress stating that congress has some implied power under Proper and Necessary clause  of Article 1, section 8 granting to create a Second Bank in United States which Maryland was earlier lacking. The situation involved the rightness of “National bank”and tax imposed by the State government of Maryland. The case also stated some implied powers of the U.S Federal Government stated in the Constitution under the “Necessary and Proper” clause and provided congress authority to institute a Federal Bank.

The decision of authorizing congress to establish the bank was applauded by Chief Justice “Marshall” with four opinions. According to Marshall establishing it was a historic practice that led to the groundwork of banks. It managed to retain the sovereignty of the nation by ratifying the constitution. Marshall supported the ruling as it beseeched the “Necessary and Proper” Clause, allowing Congress to use its enumerated powers.

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Federal Bank


McCulloch, Maryland, Legislative power, American state Legislature, National bank and tax, State government, Maryland, U.S, Necessary and Proper, Federal Bank, Chief Justice, Marshall, Second Bank