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why, in terms of job performance and efficiency, knowing medical billing terms is criticalfor working in the health care field. Respond in at least 150 words and provide specific examples.All medical billing is done using specific medical terms for diagnosis. Understanding the truedefinitions to the terms utilized in a medical office is a very important part of a person’s job inorder to uphold accountability and efficiency. Medical billing and coding is a very important part ofthe healthcare field, especially today when accuracy of medical insurance record is so critical tohealthcare providers and patients. Some people do not realize the importance of medical billingand coding, but it takes time and patients. You also have to be careful when keying in codes froma patients chart and billing to an insurance company. It ensures that the patients are chargedcorrectly and healthcare providers are reimbursed properly. You cannot bill without knowingcoding. Codes are brought up to date yearly because this lessens errors within the applicationand allocates time for any needed alterations within the internal billing systems. So it is veryimportant to learn the medical billing and coding codes, and also keep up with the updates asthey change