Haploid or Diploid?

Listed in the Item Bank are some key terms and expressions associated with the categories seen in the Venn Diagram. To find out more information about items, some have more details available when you click on them. Drag and drop each item onto the proper area of the diagram. If an item describes more than one category, be sure to place it in the overlapping space.

chromosome number
chromosome number in body cells
chromosome number in gametes
produced by fertilization
product of meiosis

Respuesta :

- has half the number of chromosomes, so only one set. they are also called gamete cells or sex cells. a human has 23 chromosomes they are used during fertilization.

- has double the number of chromosomes, so two sets. they are known as somatic cells are produced through meiosis, there are 46 chromosomes in diploid cells in humans.

both cells have a nucleus meaning they are eukaryote.

Answer:  (Haploid)


 chromosome number in gametes

 product of meiosis


chromosome number



chromosome number in body cells

produced by fertilization
