Match each author from the Realist period with the genre for which he/she is best known.
1) walt whitman
2) arthur miller
3) washington irving
4) mark twain
5) frederick douglass

b.tall tale
d.legend verse

Respuesta :

1) walt whitman - e. free verse
2) arthur miller - a. tragedy (he was a playwright)
3) washington irving - d. legend (I think) he was famous for historcial fiction.
4) mark twain - b. tall tale
5) frederick douglass - c. autobiography

The correct answers are:

1) Walt Whitman - e. free verse. This is a poetry that have a regular rhythm or not rhyme at all. Walt Whitman is recognized as the father of free verse, a well-known poem than can be used as an example of it is “Song of myself”.  

2) Arthur Miller - a. tragedy. This type of narration contains a lot of drama in a serious and dignified style unhappy or terrible events come across or caused by a heroic individual. Arthur Miller redefines this term in his famous essay “tragedy and the Common man”, in which he focused the main character’s unhappiness because of an unfair world.  

3) Washington Irving - d. legend.  This author is famous because of his gothic story “The legend of Sleepy Hollow”, he is also called the “first American man of letters”.

4) Mark Twain - b. tall tale. This narration implies details that are hard to believe because the events told seem more unlikely than true. It usually talks about wild adventures of exaggerated folk heroes. Mark Twain used to write a lot of these, such as Life of the Mississippi (1883)

5) Frederick Douglass - c. autobiography. Frederick Douglass was born as a slave, he educated himself and then he became one of the biggest leaders in American history. He published his autobiography seven years after he escaped, he did it to show that a good orator can be an slave as well.