9.Which of the following elements of a traditional Greek tragedy is found in Othello?
Select one:
a. a prophet or seer to predict the end
b. a main character in a position of power
c. the audience knows the ending beforehand
d. None of the above

10.When a character faces a reality that does not match their expectations, it is a source of _______________ in the piece of literature.
Select one:
a. conflict
b. climax
c. satire
d. setting

11.An exchange student who expects to live in a fabulous, posh house while traveling to another country, but ends up in a cramped house with five little kids is an example of ___________________.
Select one:
a. juxtaposition
b. satire
c. allegory
d. denouement

12.In the story S.O.R. Losers by Avi, the school forces a group of students with no interest in sports to form a soccer team. Based on this description, what is a plausible prediction for the story?
Select one:
a. The team wins the championship.
b. The team loses every game.
c. The students rebel against the school.
d. The students love soccer.

13.Based on the following quote from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, what is the narrator's view of conquest?

"The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much."
Select one:
a. adventure
b. triumph
c. simple
d. ugly

14.Based on the following quote from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, what is the narrator's view of solitude?

"…how can you imagine what particular region of the first ages a man's untrammeled feet may take him into the way of solitude - utter solitude without a policeman - by the way of silence - utter silence, where no warning voice of a kind neighbour can be […] heard by the whispering of public opinion?"
Select one:
a. it is a welcome taste of freedom
b. one's mind can be warped without the opinions of others
c. it provides clarity of thought
d. none of the above