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The reason why President Eisenhower want to use covert operations to combat the spread of communism is because President Eisenhower was convinced that if he pushed the Soviets to the point of the war, they would back down. So President Eisenhower used a strategy, and the strategy that he used is the democracy.


The correct answer to the question: Why did president Eisenhower want to use covert operations to combat the spread of Communism, would be: Because he wanted to help protect developing nations, such as those in the Middle East and Latin America, who were being threatened by the spread of Communism, and the power of the Soviet Union, through continuous, but indirect, American support.


Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th American President, assumed office in 1953, at the peak of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. While the two nations stretched their nuclear muscle power, and their economic and military influence, dividing the world into those for, and those against either of their ideologies, other nations fell into this tug of war and became affected by it. Two world regions, specifically became particularly vulnerable to the influence of Communist ideals: Latin America and the Middle East. Because of the threat that the spread of Communism represented to the United States, and to democracy itself, Eisenhower firmly believed in the need for U.S continuous assistance, and indirect presence, in those developing nations that could easily fall prey to Communist ideals. However, given all the conflicts that had already ensued, especially with direct military involvement, Eisenhower chose through his Eisenhower Doctrine, to exert presence through the CIA, whose job would be to carry out covert operations in nations at risk of being threatened by the Soviets, but without the U.S directly involving itself.