Ethanhunt after this theres 4 more left :)

during an local election the ratio of teens to adults who voted was 10:9 if 1387 people voted how many were teens

jerrys icecream hut had chocolate or vanilla shakes on the 4th of july they sold 1440 shakes total with the ratio of chocolate to vanilla being 6:9 how many chocolate shakes were there

a store had 576 sodas both diet and regular. The ratio of diet sodas to regular sodas was 5:7 How many diet sodas were there?

Respuesta :

1.) Number of Total People = 1387

In Figure 1, Red boxes represent "Teens" which is 10 in number whereas Blue boxes represent "Adults".

1 box contains = 1387/19 = 73

Number of Teens = 73 * 10 = 730 

In short, Your Final Answer would be: 730 

2.) Number of Total Chocolates = 1440 

In Figure 2, Red boxes represent "Chocolate flavor ice-cream" which is 6 in number whereas Blue boxes represent "Vanila".

1 box contains = 1440/15 = 96

Number of Chocolate Ice-creams = 96 * 6 = 576

In short, Your Final Answer would be: 576

3.) Number of Total Sodas = 576

In Figure 3, Red boxes represent "diet sodas" which is 5 in number whereas Blue boxes represent "Regular sodas".

1 box contains = 576/12 = 48 sodas

Number of diet cokes = 48 * 5 = 240 

In short, Your Final Answer would be: 240 

Hope this helps!
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1.) 730

2.) 576

3.) 240