Marco is flying a kite that is attached to a 204–foot long string. Marco is holding the kite 4 feet above the ground so that the angle of elevation from Marco to the kite is 48°.

Respuesta :

If you're looking for how high in the air the kite is (which you may or may not be!) set it up as a right triangle, with the hypotenuse of 204 and the angle at the base (NOT the right angle, but the other one) is 48 degrees. Use the sin 48 = x/204 to find the height of the kite from where Marco is holding it 4 feet above ground. the equation looks like this then: 204 sin 48 = x. Make sure your calculator is in degree mode and get that x is 151.6.  But if you happen to be looking for how high above the GROUND the kite is, add 4 feet to that 151.6 to get 155.6 feet.