
The world drastically changed from the years leading up to World War II to the post-war period. For this Applied Knowledge Assessment, you will complete the following charts about various nations during the interwar (1919-1939) and post-war years (1945 and later). When completing both charts, pick five of the seven countries listed, and fill in who led them, what political system they used, and why they got involved in WWII or the effects of WWII on them. You may use pages 898-911 and 966-1007 in your textbook, Lessons 3-8, and any other print or online sources to complete this Applied Knowledge Assessment. Be sure to cite any outside sources! You will upload the completed charts for this assignment.
Interwar Years (1919-1939)



Political System(s)

Causes of involvement in WWII:

Year & Event

How nation was involved in WWII?

United States

Great Britain




Soviet Union


Post-War Years (1945-1950)



Political System

Result of involvement in WWII:

Which alliance was the country associated with?

What impact did the war have on the country?

United States

Great Britain




Soviet Union



Interwar Years:
Student identified the leaders of each nation during the interwar years.
(1 point each)

Interwar Years:
Student described the political systems of each nation during the interwar years.
(1 point each)

Interwar Years:
Student explained the catalyst event and when it happened for each nation’s involvement in World War II.
(1 point each)

Interwar Years:
Student analyzed each nation’s involvement in World War II.
(2 points each)

Post-war Years:
Student identified the leaders of each nation during the post-war years.
(1 point each)

Post-war Years:
Student described the political systems of each nation during the post-war years.
(1 point each)

Post-war Years:
Student identified which alliance each nation was associated with during World War II.
(1 point each)

Post-war Years:
Student evaluated the impact of World War II on each nation.
(2 points each)