Respuesta :

the ll-volunteer army was not one of the Nixon Administration's Vietnam War policies. The volunteer military, or all-volunteer military, is one that derives its manpower from volunteers rather than conscription or mandatory service. The correct answer between all the choices given is the first choice or letter A. I am hoping that this answer has satisfied your query and it will be able to help you in your endeavor, and if you would like, feel free to ask another question.


A. All volunteer army is the correct answer


Draft conscription was used by Nixon administration to get solders for Vietnam war.

Military conscription has been used many time in USA. Draft was abolished in 1973 but the men of draft age were asked to register with the selective service system so that a draft could be prepared if needed.In the Vietnam war, two third of the American troops were volunteers and the others were selected through draft. Secret service system used to call the men of draft ages and evaluated their draft status. These board had enormous power to who would go to the war and who wont. The members were pressurised by families to exemption for their relatives. The men of poor families were and the working class were mistreated and had no exemptions from the draft. Very few soldiers were from upper class families. So, all volunteer army cannot be considered as Nixon's Vietnam war policy.