Occasionally an entire organism, including soft body parts, becomes a fossil. What are the types of fossilization that can result in soft body tissues being preserved

Respuesta :

If the body is preserved in a bog or in amber the soft parts will remain intact


If the body is preserved in amber or in a swamp, the soft parts will be preserved.


We know that fossils are remnants of living beings or evidences of their activities that have somehow been preserved. The process of fossilization is complex and time-consuming, resulting from physical, chemical and biological processes. The types of fossilization will differ according to the factors that will act in the body after his death.

In general, we can divide the types of fossilization into remains and traces. We call them remains when some part of the organism has been preserved, and traces when only a mark of its passage has been preserved.

Usually, when we talk about debris, we find preserved the hardest parts of a living being. So-called soft parts are harder to preserve, but they can also be found. The difficulty of fossilization of soft parts occurs due to the rapid decomposition process. As an example of fossilization of soft parts insects that are trapped in amber, a resin secreted by some vegetables.