
Based on the context of each sentence, choose the word that most closely matches the denotation of the word in quotations.







"There is a subtle "distinction" between the characteristics of these two bacteria," explained our biology teacher.

Your "old-fashioned" cottage reminds me of my grandparents’ house in the countryside.

Jack's "preference" for his eldest son has not gone unnoticed by his other children.

We "condemn" those involved in terrorist activities.

Respuesta :

distinction = nuance
old-fashioned = quaint
preference = inclination
condemn = denounce 

The correct answers are:

Distinction: Nuance.

In this sentence, the distinction mentioned refers to differences between the bacteria, therefore the world "nuance" -which means a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning- has the closest meaning.

Old-fashioned: Quaint.

"Quaint" is used to describe things that are attractive because they are unusual, specially when they are old-fashion.

Preference: Inclination

"Preference" here refers to liking something or someone more than others. At the same time, having an "inclination" means to favour one above others.

Condemn: Denounce.

Both "condemn" and "denounce" mean to crticize strongly and publicly.