Read excerpts from the Nixon-Kennedy debate.

Kennedy: I'm not satisfied until every American enjoys his full constitutional rights. If a Negro baby is born--and this is true also of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans in some of our cities--he has about one-half as much chance to get through high school as a white baby.

Nixon: We are for programs that will expand educational opportunities, that will give to all Americans their equal chance for education, for all of the things which are necessary and dear to the hearts of our people.

Which best compares Nixon's and Kennedy's positions on educational opportunity?

A: Both claim that they would like to expand educational opportunities, but Nixon is much more specific about the populations he would like to address with expansion programs.

B: Both claim they wish to expand educational opportunity, but Kennedy offers more explanation about which populations he would like to specifically target with expansion programs.

C: Kennedy wishes to expand educational opportunities for minorities, while Nixon argues that doing so will require unnecessary government interference.

D: Kennedy wishes to expand the educational needs of minorities, while Nixon is much more focused on helping these individuals achieve financial stability.

Respuesta :

b because they both talk about education. Kennedy is more specific


