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Step 1-Light Dependent. CO2 and H2O enter the leaf.
Step 2- Light Dependent. Light hits the pigment in the membrane of a thylakoid, splitting the H2O into O2.
Step 3- Light Dependent. The electrons move down to enzymes.
Step 4-Light DependentSunlight hits the second pigment molecule allowing the enzymes to convert ADP to ATP and NADP+ gets converted to NADPHStep 5-Light independentThe ATP and NADPH is used by the calvin cycle as a power source for converting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into simple sugar glucose.Step 6-Light independentThe calvin cycle converts 3CO2 molecules from the atmosphere to glucosecalvin cycleThe second of two major stages in photosynthesis (following the light reactions), involving atmospheric CO2 fixation and reduction of the fixed carbon into carbohydrate.