Describe how carbon sequestration helps balance global warming and its significance.
(Here is the paragraph in which the information is suppose to be found)

"Carbon sequestration, or storage, occurs in soils and forests through the process of photosynthesis. The movement of carbon in and out of trees is part of the earth’s carbon cycle. When forests are diverse and in healthy supply on the planet, they contain and store massive carbon reservoirs. These processes significantly contribute to regulating the global climate. Carbon sequestration helps balance the Earth’s green gas emissions. Scientists and economists attach an economic value to this natural service as part of international environmental treaties to control global warming. For example, the parks in Canada store a tremendous amount of carbon, which is a great ecological service to the planet. The service in Canada is valued between $11 billion and $2.2 trillion depending on the price of carbon in the market."

Respuesta :

Carbon sequestration or the removal and storage of carbon from the atmosphere plays a very important role in reducing global warming (plus the converse is true). Canada's parks, both national and provincial play an important role in this regard in the preservation of trees that absorb CO2 and give off oxygen. The Amazon rain forest is also very important in this regard. But things like clear cut logging, pine beetle forest kill-off and Amazon jungle removal have resulted in less carbon being sequestered and more global warming with its catastrophic or at least extreme weather events like flooding, drought, rampaging forest fires, etc,