Which type of environmental pollution would not be the direct result of the human use of fossil fuels?

A)The expansion of landfills with too much garbage to recycle.
B)The contamination of rivers and groundwater from automotive runoff.
C)The Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska that killed a lot of wildlife and fouled the coastlines.
D)The present greenhouse effect, caused by the accumulation of large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from smog.

Respuesta :

A) Landfills have to do with trash and fossil fuels are not trash.

Answer: A)The expansion of landfills with too much garbage to recycle.


The human use of fossil fuels is associated with the air, water and land pollution.  

The fossil fuels are used for running the vehicles which produce immense greenhouse gases on combustion which are capable of polluting the air and are responsible for global warming. The fossil fuels can be leak out by the water transport vehicle lead to oil spill this will contaminate the water making it unsuitable for the survival of the aquatic water body.

A)The expansion of landfills with too much garbage to recycle. would not be the direct result of the human use of fossil fuel to environment pollution. This is because of the fact that landfill is a solid waste disposal technique which is not associated with the fossil fuels pollution. Instead the landfill site is associated with land and air pollution due to decomposition of the biodegradable materials.