Respuesta :

Well perhaps the most important of these was introduced by the Connecticut Compromise, which established a bicameral legislature with the U.S. House of representatives apportioned by population, as desired by the Virginia Plan, and the Senate granted equal votes per state, as desired by the New Jersey Plan. Hope this helps. (:    

Under the New Jersey Plan, states would be represented equally .

Further Explanation:

The New Jersey Plan was a plan outlined at the Constitutional Convention which was supposed to settle the issue of representation in the legislative branch. In this plan, William Patterson proposed the new US government to have a unicameral legislature in which all states have the same amount of delegates (aka representatives).

States with larger populations at the time, like Virginia, did not like this plan because they felt that they should have more representatives in the legislative branch than smaller states. This is why the Virginia Plan was also introduced at the Constitutional Convention. This plan would have a bicameral legislature in which the number of representatives was determined by a states population.

Ultimately, ideas from both of these plans were used in the creation of the Great (aka Connecticut) Compromise.

Learn More:

Difference between a unicameral and bicameral legislature-

Key Details:

Topics: American History, American Government

Grade Level: 7-12

Keywords: New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, Constitutional Convention, Congress, unicameral, bicameral