Directions: Read each case and write the name of the psychological disorder that is the best diagnosis for each person. Then, list the symptoms that led you to this diagnosis. A list of the disorders is provided below.

generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, paranoid schizophrenia, panic disorder, dysthymic disorder, catatonic schizophrenia, specific phobia, seasonal affective disorder, disorganized schizophrenia, social phobia, bipolar disorder, undifferentiated schizophrenia, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder

1. Clyde is a 36-year-old electrician. For about the past year, he has been complaining to his wife about feeling “tense” and “on edge.” He’s been finding it difficult to concentrate while on the job, and his wife reports that he has been very irritable. When she asks him what is worrying him so much, he just answers, “Nothing in particular, really. I can’t put my finger on it, I’m just feeling nervous and I’m not sure why.”
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

2. Herm is a 27-year-old accountant. For two weeks, his company has been doing a new training program at the office that requires employees to work in small teams and practice interpersonal communication skills. For the past week, Herman has stayed home from work because he is so nervous, although he is not physically ill. He says that he doesn’t want to work with people in groups because it’s embarrassing. He’s afraid that he might say “the wrong thing” and be laughed at by his co-workers.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

3. Mildred sleeps a lot, has great difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, and generally does not want to do anything. She has stopped seeing friends whom he used to see often and declines all invitations to do things socially. Her most common response is “I just don’t feel like it.” She looks sad most of the time and does not seem to take pleasure in her favorite activities. This has been going on for the past two months.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

4. Gladys is a 34-year-old woman who says that she hears voices telling her to do things. She believes that her behavior is being controlled by other people and she thinks that all her former friends have formed a conspiracy and are out to get her.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

5. Agnes is a 19-year-old college student. She had been living in a dorm but has recently moved back home with her parents. She hasn’t gone to any classes in the past month, and her grades have been falling sharply. Her parents are worried and feel like they’re at the end of their rope. They have pleaded with her to go to her class, but she refuses. They have noticed that she hasn’t been going out of the house, except to get the newspaper on the front steps. Agnes has told her parents that she doesn’t feel comfortable going to her classes anymore. She once said, “What if something happens while I’m at school? How am I supposed to get out of there and get home? I feel safer here at home because at least I am not so alone.”
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

6. Ever since she was a small girl, 40-year-old Betsy says she has been really nervous about driving on highways. Side streets and small roads are OK, but she reports feeling extremely anxious on major highways, and will not drive on them. Her husband is very angry that his wife cannot drive on highways, as all of their trips take so long. In fact, sometimes they don’t even go. Recently, they visited her family in Vermont. Betsy knew that the quickest way to get there was to take the highway. It would have taken around 3 hours. Instead, she insisted on taking smaller “back roads” that made the trip take 6½ hours. She hates wasting time like this, but can’t bring herself to drive on highways.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

7. While working at her job at the mall, Hilda suddenly begins having trouble breathing. Her heart starts pounding wildly, and she feels weak and dizzy. She feels as if she is having a heart attack and is honestly afraid that she is going to die in the next minute or two. (Note: She is NOT really having a heart attack.)
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

Respuesta :

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Symptoms include feeling uneasy, stressed and being irritable
2. Social Phobia
Symptoms include feeling nervous in front of crowds of people.
3. Major Depression 
Symptoms include not leaving the house, not getting out of bed and feeling bored and uninterested. 
4. Paranoid Schizophrenia
Symptoms include hearing voices, thinking people are out to get her.
5. Seasonal Affective Disorder
Symptoms include sudden change in behavior, and missing class because of stress
6. Specific Phobia
Symptoms include being fearful of one thing.
7. Agoraphobia 
Symptoms include feeling like you are going to die, feeling weak and dizzy.

1. Clyde: 36 years Old

Diagnosis: General Anxiety Disorder

Matching Symptoms:

-Feeling constantly "on Edge"

-Difficulty concentrating


Note: A clinician should evaluate the degree of patient dysfunctionality in order to diagnose the disorder.

2. Herm: 27 years Old

Diagnosis: Social Phobia

Matching Symptoms:

Herm finds it embarrasing to work with people in groups because he is afraid people will judge him. He is also afraid he might say the wrong thing and be laughed by his co-workers.

-Fear of being judged by others in social situations

-Being embarrased or humiliated in social situations.

3. Mildred

Diagnosis: Seasonal Affective disorder.

Matching Symptoms:

-Persistent low mood

-A loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities

-Sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning.

4. Gladys: 34

Diagnosis: Paranoid Schizophrenia

Matching Sypmtoms: -

-Hallucination and Delusions

-Persecutory Thougths

5. Agnes: 19

Diagnosis: Agoraphobia

Matching Symptoms:

-Avoiding places or situaion that could lead to panic attacks

-Avoiding being far away from home

-Feeling she would be unable to function or survive without the help of others.

6. Betsy: 40

Diagnosis: Specific Phobia

Matching Symptoms:

-Fear of an specific object or situation.

-Avoidance of said object or situation.

7. Hilda.

Diagnosis: Panic Disorder

Matching Symptoms: Actually they appear to be symptoms of a Panic Attack, not a panic disorder.

Diagnosis Criteria of a Panic attack:

3 somatic symptoms such as: Heart racing, feeling weak and dizzy, trouble breathing.

and one cognitive symptom: Thinking that she is going to die.