Directions: Read each case and write the name of the psychological disorder that is the best diagnosis for each person. Then, list the symptoms that led you to this diagnosis. A list of the disorders is provided below.

generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, paranoid schizophrenia, panic disorder, dysthymic disorder, catatonic schizophrenia, specific phobia, seasonal affective disorder, disorganized schizophrenia, social phobia, bipolar disorder, undifferentiated schizophrenia, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder

8. Chet is a 21-year-old student who has had serious mental problems for the last year. His mother says that she often sees him sitting in his room staring at the wall for hours at a time. He has stopped speaking and when his mother tries to move him, he is very rigid and stiff, and cannot be moved.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

9. Archibald is a 17-year-old who has reported that he has been having some unpleasant thoughts lately. He says that he keeps thinking about harming his sister. These thoughts happen much of the day and make him very anxious. He says that organizing his CD collection helps deal with his anxiety. He spends five hours a night arranging and rearranging his CDs.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

10. Herschel’s family says that he hasn’t been the same for quite some time. About a year ago, he began to lose touch with his family and friends. During this time, he has had very poor personal hygiene and seems to take no interest in many activities. His sister describes him as being “emotionless.” Whenever he talks to anyone, they find it impossible to understand what he is saying, as he tends to “ramble” from one topic to the next, and speak without making sense.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

11. Clarence sometimes seems very “wound up.” At those times he seems full of energy, talks very rapidly, and makes grandiose plans. (One time, he gave away all of his belongings and was planning to move to Washington, D.C. so he could advise the President.) at these times he also seems to need almost no sleep. During other periods of time, Clarence seems very “down.” During these times he doesn’t take care of himself. He seems to want to sleep all the time, and he often makes thinly veiled references to wanting to commit suicide.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

12. Myrtle is a 34-year-old woman who believes that her behavior is being controlled by other people and she thinks that all her former friends have formed a conspiracy and are out to get her. She says that she hears voices telling her to do things. She is also showing signs of disorganized thought, distorted speech, and almost a complete lack of emotion.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

13. When Izzy was 14-years-old, he was in a car accident in which he was seriously injured and his father was left permanently disabled. It’s now 5 years later and Izzy has been having trouble sleeping because he’s been having nightmares about the accident. Sometimes when he is sitting in his college classroom, he starts thinking about the accident, almost “reliving” in his mind. He still can’t bring himself to go to the street where the accident happened, because he says it makes him too nervous.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

14. Maude says her problems started when she was about 25. She said she feels sad most of the time, but isn’t really sure why. She spends a great deal of time sleeping, compared to before. She has also lost a lot of weight, saying that she really doesn’t have an appetite most of the time. She just turned 30.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms:

15. Since planning his upcoming winter ski trip last spring, Alphonse has been looking forward to it excitedly. This surprised his wife, because even though he has loved skiing in the past, the last few ski seasons have been different, as he hasn’t shown any interest. Now that the vacation is a week away, he is seriously thinking about cancelling it. He hasn’t been feeling well for a few weeks, hasn’t been unable to sleep, and according to his wife, he’s lost too much weight for his own good.
Your Diagnosis:
Matching Symptoms: