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The Twelve Tables not only provided laws for Rome, but they also protected plebeians from the abuse of the partricians. These were a major improvement in Rome, and a landmark in human history because for the first time rules were written down. This means that Patricians couldn't make up laws on the spot and pretend they had always existed, but there was a solid set of laws that all literate citizens could look at.

All of our modern laws are somewhat derived from these ancient Romans

The ancient Roman Twelve Tables had an immense impact on Roman society. Here are some summary facts about this vastly important Roman development:
A. The plebeians of Rome were unfairly treated by the aristocracy;
B. The plebeians put forth a demand that Rome's unwritten laws be placed in writing in order that the patrician judges could not at will interpret the unwritten laws as they saw fit to do;

C. In about 450 BC, this demand to place the laws in writing came to pass and was called the Law of the Twelve Tables;
D. The Twelve Tables was a major step to end the patrician judges to rule in favor of the aristocracy; and
E. The Twelve Tables was the first phase of the further development of Roman laws.