
Please explain why each answer is correct

1. Cactus plants, which grow in deserts, have a thick waxy coating that helps prevent water loss. The plants’ sharp spines provide protection from predators. Which of the following statements best explains why cactus plants evolved to have these traits?
A. The genes of individual cactus plants mutated to develop these traits.
B. Individual cactus plants developed these traits to fill an environmental niche.
C. Cactus plants with these traits were better able than other cactus plants to interbreed with invasive species.
D. Cactus plants with these traits were better able than other cactus plants to survive and pass these traits on to their offspring.

2. Prokaryotes are structurally simple organisms that have existed for over two billion years. Which of the following are prokaryotes?
A. bacteria - ANSWER
B. fungi
C. plants
D. protists

3. The fungus Penicillium reproduces asexually and forms genetically identical spores. Which of the following processes does Penicillium use to form its spores?
A. fertilization
B. mitosis - ANSWER
C. osmosis
D. transcription

4. The amount of water a plant has in its tissues is determined primarily by the balance of which of the following processes?
A. runoff and root absorption
B. respiration and photosynthesis
C. precipitation and photosynthesis
D. root absorption and transpiration - ANSWER

5. Which of the following statements describes the role of ATP in animal cells?
A. ATP stores and releases energy. - ANSWER
B. ATP forms the channels in the plasma membrane.
C. ATP serves as the hereditary material in the nucleus.
D. ATP attaches to and digests unneeded organic molecules.

6. Which of the following structures are present in the prokaryotic cell?
A. Protein Coat
B. Cell Wall
C. Vacuole
D. Nucleus

7. Cellular respiration, decomposition, combustion, and photosynthesis are processes that drive which of the following cycles in ecosystems?
A. the carbon cycle
B. the nitrogen cycle
C. the phosphorus cycle
D. the water cycle

9. Which of the following roles do nitrogen fixing bacteria serve in the nitrogen cycle?
A. They concentrate nitrogen in the atmosphere.
B. They absorb nitrogen from the wastes of animals.
C. They convert nitrogen into a form that plants can use.
D. They release nitrogen from the bodies of decaying organisms.

10. In pea plants, the allele for purple flowers (P) is dominant to the allele for white flowers(p). A plant that is heterozygous for purple flowers is crossed with white flowers. What percentage of the offspring plants are expected to have purple flowers?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

Respuesta :

1. I think is C. I took this last year. Because just like people they have to adapt to there environment. The ones that don't need much water will last and the others will die out.



1) D. The development of the adaptive features of the Cactus plant is basically for survival e.g. they possess reduced spines in order to conserve water as leaves lose water through transpiration. They also use it to protect themselves against herbivores

2. A because a prokaryote is a microscopic single celled organism that has no membrane-bound nucleus. Considering the options, only bacteria suits this description as other options possess a membrane-bound nucleus

3. B because mitosis is a form of cell division that results in the production of two daughter cells having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell. Option A is a form of sexual reproduction while options C and D are not related to reproduction

4. D because the way a plant gets water is through absorption by the root hairs while it loses it by transpiration via the stomata on its leaves. The balance is determined by getting the difference between rate of absorption and rate of transportation.

5. A because Adenosine triphosphate known as ATP is the source of energy produced in the mitochondrion of animals during respiration. All other options are not energy related

6. C because vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle found in plants and some bacteria cells. Option A is only found in a viral cell which is non-living, Option B is only found in a plant cell which is eukaryotic while option D is only found in an eukaryotic cell

7. A because in all of the mentioned processes, a compound of carbon (CO2) is produced or used up.

9. C because nitrogen-fixing bacteria are capable due to enzymes they possess to convert nitrogen gas into solid nitrogen, which plants can absorb for use

10. P- allele for purple flower

p- allele for white flower

Since P is dominant to p, it means in an heterozygous condition, purple colour will always be expressed

Heterozygous means the combination of two different alleles of a given gene(colour in this case)

Therefore, a heterozygous (Pp) purple flower is crossed with a homozygous recessive (pp) white flower, we have the following offsprings:

Pp × pp = Pp, Pp, pp, pp

Out of 4 offspring plants, 2 of them are heterozygous; which means they will be purple in colour due to the dominance of the purple allele (P)

To get the percentage, 2/4 × 100 = 50%

It therefore means that 50% of the offspring plants are expected to be purple flowered