
In which layer of the sun does nuclear fusion occur? Explain how the nuclear fusion is created

Respuesta :

A large cloud of gas (hydrogen) and dust a nebula begins to collapse

The collapsing cloud begins to spin

The spinning collapsing cloud flattens into a rotating disk

Material in the disk begins to accumulate in the center

As the material coalesces in center, it becomes dense, compresses, and heats up.

More and more material coalesces to form a protostar.

The protostar continuse to accomulate material from the surronding disk and grow.

Eventually, the protostar becomes massive enough, dense enough and hot enough to cause the process of  nuclear fusion to begin.

Nuclear Fussion isotops of hydrogen atoms (deuterium, tritium) combine to form helium atoms, energy, and subatomic particles.

Once nuclear fusion begins the protostar's “ignition” to nuclear fusion creates a solar wind that drives remaining gas and dust to the outer parts of the disk.

Then the young star stops accumulating material.