What can you infer about Capulet from the following line?
CAPULET For shame, bring Juliet forth; her lord is come.
He is not excited about the wedding.
He has changed his mind about Paris.
He is usually late to everything himself.
He does not like for Juliet to be late.

Respuesta :

He does not like Juliet to be late for her own wedding. Keep in mind he says her lord is come yet she's not there.


The answer to the question: What can you infer about Capulet from the following line, is, that: He does not like for Juliet to be late.


This particular portion of "Romeo and Juliet", the play written by William Shakespeare between 1591 and 1595, comes from Act 4, Scene 5, page 2 of the play. In it, the Capulets, and especially her father, are eagerly awaiting the union of their daugher Juliet, with Paris. In the heat of that eagerness, Capulet, the father, rushes the mother and nurse of Juliet to bring her forth immediately so that she is not late for her own wedding. However, they find out that Juliet is no longer breathing and assume that she is dead.