Respuesta :

i mean someones getting hurt and u need to stand up to prevent them from getting more what if someone was abusive to u and this person just stood there and did nothing. its just the "right thing to do" i guess

The character were commited to nonviolence during their protest because they believed violence was the not the solution to equal rights. "They believed their protests would have more power if they reacted to anger and hated with peace and love." Violence and violence is only going to lead to more violence. Change is brought out by understanding and its been this way more centurys now and the characters knew that. Take for example Mahatma Ghandi who advocated peace to win a war and that may seem impossible but he pulled it off. These characters are commited to nonviolence during their protest because they believed and they knew that violence will bring nothing but hate and more violence. They believed non-violence had more power for the cause of equal rights and , they were right.