In 200 words, compare the different ways in which the motif of the mockingbird is presented. How is it connected to innocence? How is it connected to violence?

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The story is all about the innocence and violence that are found in the story. Childhood experiences can bee seen in ignorance of events. This innocence, in the end, made the Tom Robinson and Boo Radley experience violence and were destroyed.  
Atticus Finch was able to experience violence in the story but never lost his hope for the good that man has for others. He was an understanding parent to his children and made his best to know the things to teach to his children. 
The Mockingbirds were known as  Jem, Tom, Robinson, Boo, Dill and Mr. Raymond. They were compared to the nature of an innocent mockingbird that was described by the teacher in the story.  They were the innocent people in the story who experience the violence and discrimination of people during those times. Their innocence was destroyed with violence. 
The role of education was also put in the story to have a sense of understanding and passion with the real situation of the students.
Boo Radley had shown with his will, although exposed from cruelty to maintain his pure heart and helped his friends Jem and Scout. Scout continued himself to be sympathetic to others and was understanding. Bob Ewell is an evil character who discriminates Scout.