Respuesta :

A dilation is a transformation, with center O and a scale factor of k that is not zero, that maps O to itself and any other point P to P'. The center O is a fixed point, P' is the image of P, points O, P and P' are on the same line.

Thus, a dilation with centre O and a scale factor of k maps the original figure to the image in such a way that the distances from O to the vertices of the image are k times the distances from O to the original figure. Also the size of the image are k times the size of the original figure.

In the dilation of triangle TUV
, It is obvious that the image T'U'V' is smaller than the original triangle TUV and hence the scale factor is less than 1.

The ratio of the distances from A to the vertices of the image T'U'V'  to the distances from A to the original triangle TUV is the scale factor.

The scale factor = 3.2 / 4.8 = 2/3

the answer would be 2/5.