health workers working with diphtheria commonly receive a serum with antibodies against the pathogen. what type of immunity would this be 6 6
3978427 2017-06-19 5:02:08 A 38-year-old man has come into the urgent care center with severe hip pain after falling from a ladder at work. he says he has taken several pain pills over the past few hours but cannot remember how many he has taken. he hands the nurse an empty bottle of acetaminophen (tylenol). the nurse is aware that the most serious toxic effect of acute acetaminophen overdose is 6 6
3978428 2017-06-19 5:02:08 A 3 ?-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital with a severe respiratory infection. the parents tell the nurse that they have noticed that their child has been using baby talk and has been wetting the bed. the parents are concerned and ask the nurse what they should do. how should the nurse respond? 6 6
3978429 2017-06-19 5:02:08 A 15-year-old female adolescent tells the nurse she would like to get a tattoo. what response by the nurse is most appropriate? 6 6
3978430 2017-06-19 5:02:08 A 48-year-old client with challenging menopausal symptoms is visiting the ob-gyn practice where you practice nursing. she has discussed treatment options with the physician and now has some questions that she would like to further discuss with you. the client includes in her questioning, what are the potential risks of hormone replacement therapy 6 6
3978431 2017-06-19 5:02:09 A 32-year-old client is concerned with the lumps that have developed in her breasts and is fearful of cancer. she reports variability in the size of the lumps. what could be causing her condition 6 6
3978432 2017-06-19 5:02:09 A 24-year-old client is being seen by the physician in the primary care group where you practice nursing. over the past 2 months, the client has been receiving treatment for multiple ear infections and tonsillitis. she reports vaginal discharge and itching at this appointment. what would you expect to be the cause of her vaginitis 6 6
3978433 2017-06-19 5:02:09 A 16-year-old client has been hospitalized 100 miles from home for a week. she is recovering from surgery to repair a broken kneecap, an injury incurred while skateboarding. she was cheerful and chatty when she first arrived, but the nurse notes in recent days she has become increasingly quiet and seems lonely. which nursing intervention would be most appropriate for this client? 6 6
3978434 2017-06-19 5:02:09 A 55-year-old black male is found to have a blood pressure of 150/90 mm hg during a work-site health screening. what should the nurse do? 6 6
3978435 2017-06-19 5:02:09 A spinal cord injury patient has no awareness of the need to void. this type of incontinence is termed 6 6
3978436 2017-06-19 5:02:10 A perimenopausal woman informs the nurse that she is having irregular vaginal bleeding. what should the nurse encourage the patient to do 6 6
3978437 2017-06-19 5:02:10 A patient with non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) will be starting a course of doxorubicin shortly. when planning this patient's care, what nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize? 6 6
3978438 2017-06-19 5:02:10 A patient who is diagnosed as having endometriosis asks for an explanation of the disease. what is the nurse's best response 6 6
3978439 2017-06-19 5:02:10 A patient is having a fine-needle biopsy (fnb) for a mass in the left breast. when the needle is inserted and the mass is no longer palpable, what does the nurse know has most likely occurred 6 6
3978441 2017-06-19 5:02:10 An 8-year-old boy, who says he wants to be a doctor when he grows up, pleads with the nurse to let him put on his own band-aid after receiving an injection. the nurse agrees and watches as the boy very carefully lines the band-aid up with the mark left by the injection and applies it to his skin. then he asks, did i do it right?" and waits eagerly for the nurse's feedback. the nurse recognizes in this situation the boy's attempt to master the primary developmental step of school age. what is that step?

Respuesta :

1. This type of immunity would be passive artificial immunity. Passive artificial immunity is the injection of serum that makes human body invulnerable to specific diseases. But the effect of this serum is temporary. To refresh its effect you should to make the injection again. Sure, you can do it only in advice of your doctor.

 According to the information given above, I think that the nurse is aware that the most serious toxic effect of acute acetaminophen overdose is hepatic necrosis. Hepatic necrosis is a serious liver failure that can be caused by toxic injuries of acute acetaminophen (or others medicines) overdose.

3. In my opinion, nurse should respond like this: "
It is normal for children this age to regress during a stressful event like a hospitalization. Try to calm down your child and say her that everything is going to be okay."

4. The most appropriate response by the nurse is: 
"Tattoos are invasive and there is the potential for disease with their application." Girl should find tattoo parlor with appropriate conditions to make tattoo without a risk getting infected.

5. Referring to Women's Health Initiative study, hormone replacement therapy has a potential risk of breast cancer
 and myocardial infarction and stroke may outweigh the potential benefit of alleviating symptoms associated with menopause. 

6. I am completely sure that the most likely cause is 
fibrocystic disease, which results from hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Sure it's necessary to undergo medical examination to prevent the possible breast cancer.

7. I think that the cause of her vaginitis is antibiotics. Long antibiotic therapy eliminate bacilli that create healthy vaginal environment. This can lead to growth of microorganisms which can lead to vaginitis.

8. According to the information given above, the nurse should say that girl needs to avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent a common side effect of this medication. Prolonged sun exposure can cause scorches.

9. The nurse should recommend him to recheck his blood pressure within two months. Hypertension is more prevalent in black communities and blood pressure 150/90 mm Hg is not normal. So it would be necessary to check his pressure at least every 2 months.

10. As far as I remember "
A spinal cord injury patient has no awareness of the need to void" is considered as a reflex (neurogenic) incontinence. Reflex incontinence is caused by a dysfunction in the detrusor muscle.

11. I am definitely sure that the nurse should encourage the patient to see her gynecologist as soon as possible. In 
perimenopausal period all women should make annual checkups that include vaginal examination.

12. In my view, when planning this patient's care, the nurse should prioritize the r
isk for infection related to suppressed bone marrow function. There is a risk of leukopenia and subsequent infection because doxorubicin suppresses bone marrow function.

13. I think that the most appropriate explanation of the disease sounds like this: "
Tissue similar to the lining of the uterus has implanted in areas outside the uterus." A benign lesion grows aberrantly anywhere in the pelvic cavity outside the uterus.

14. I am pretty sure that w
hen the needle is inserted and the mass is no longer palpable, this mass may become cystic and was ruptured when the needle was inserted. 

The nurse recognizes in this situation the boy's attempt to master the primary developmental step of school age, which is called industry. Industry is a sense of learning how to master your skills. In this situation, boy wants to show the nurse his skills and then to master them because he wants to become a doctor.