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All these theories, the nebular theory, the encounter theory and the planet theory explain phenomena in the Solar System. 
According the nebular theory the planets originate in a dense disk formed from material in the gas and dust cloud that collapses to give us the Sun
The encounter theory is o
ne of the earliest theories for the formation of the planets .According to this theory planets are formed from material ejected from the Sun or a companion star during an encounter with another object.  
Proto planet theory is the current working model for the formation of the Solar System. According to this planet theory a dense interstellar cloud produces a cluster of stars. 

All these theories gave a different explanation of how the solar system was formed.

Further Explanation

The Nebular theory states that the solar system was made out of an interstellar cloud of dust and gas. This theory clearly explained the entire object that exists in the solar system and how the objects are distributed. It widely believed that the sun, planets, moon, and asteroids were formed from nebular the same time and around 4.5 years ago.

Immanuel Kant developed the nebular theory and was published in the universal natural history and theory of the heavens in 1755

Encounter theory proposed that the planets were formed from material ejected from the sun or a companion star when it had an encounter with another object. It is one of the theories that explain how the planets were formed.

Protoplanets theory is the most popular theory that explained how the solar system formed. The theory state that one or more stars are formed as a result of the collapsed giant cloud of molecular dust, which caused a cloud of gas to form around the new stars. Due to gravity and other forces, the dust in this cloud collides with other particles to form larger masses.


  • nebular theory


  • nebular theory
  • encounter theory
  • protoplanets theory
  • sun
  • planets