Choose all that apply.

Three enlightened monarchs during the eighteenth century were:

Joseph II
Catherine the Great
Louis XIV
Frederick II
Henry VIII

Respuesta :

Frederick II
joseph II
catherine the great

The correct options are:

Frederick II

Joseph II

Catherine the great

  • Frederick II of Prussia was the third king of Prussia (1740-1786). Belonging to the House of Hohenzollern, son of Frederick William I and Sofia Dorotea of ​​Hanover, he was one of the greatest representatives of enlightened despotism of the eighteenth century. He is known for his military victories and for his reorganization of the Prussian army, his tactics and innovative maneuvers, and for the success he gets in the Seven Years' War, despite his almost desperate situation, for what he is already known in his time as Frederick the Great.
  • José Benedicto Augusto de Austria (Jose II) was an Austrian archduke of century XVIII and soon emperor of the Sacrum Germanic Roman Empire of 1765 to 1790, king of Hungary (1780-1790) and king of Bohemia (1780-1790). His contemporaries admired him for his great culture and his ability to govern, even many modern historians considered him a genius and to this day the great historians and teachers still consider him.
  • Catherine the Great was Empress of Russia for 34 years, from June 28, 1762 until her death, at 67 years. Catherine picked up the legacy of Peter the Great, "a window to the West on the Baltic coast" and enlarged it by opening it on the Black Sea. Pedro imported technology, government institutions and military organization and Catalina brought from Europe the legal, political and moral philosophy as well as medicine, art, culture and education.