Jill's mother limited her xbox 1 playing to 10 hours per week. she played on only four days, a different amount of time each day. On saturday, she played twice as much as on wednesday. She didnt play on monday, tuesday, or thursday. On friday, she played the least of the days she played. if the times were all different and there were not any partial hours, how many hours did she play on each day?

Respuesta :

You have to find out how much time she played on Saturday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Let's look at the facts.
Sunday: No info is given.
Friday: She played the least of all four days
Saturday: Twice as much as Wednesday
Wednesday: No info is given.

We can write a problem and solve from this information. Let's use the variable W for Wednesday. Saturday is 2W. So whatever number Wednesday has, multiply it by 2. All of the total numbers should equal 10.

Since Friday was played the least amount, we know that every other day has to be at least 2 hours or above, so that Friday can be 1 hour. Sunday we have no info given.

This is a bit of guess and see for this problem. Let's say that Friday was 1 hour, Wednesday was 2, Sunday was 3, and Saturday was 4. Total that equals 10. Let's check to varify that these numbers are correct.

Friday was the least amount of hours of any day, which is why it is 1.
Wednesday had 2 hours, and Saturday had twice that many, which is 4.
Sunday has 3 hours.

In short, your answer would be: Friday 1 hour, Wednesday 2 hours, Sunday 3 hours, and Saturday 4 hours. I hope I explained it wel