Can someone help me write a conclusion for my essay. I'm quite stuck on it. Here is the essay.
Some jellyfish are smaller than a pinky finger, but some are the most toxic, like the Irukandji jellyfish. Jellyfish are some of the most dangerous creatures in the ocean, let alone the world, while some are practically harmless others, have caused multiple deaths. These jellyfish are invading the oceans that surround us, this can lead to the endangering and possibly the extinction of some creatures in the ocean. Jellyfish not only, harm people with their possibly deadly stings but many animals in the ocean are affected by the invasion and the stings of the jellyfish. Though, it’s hard to stop global warming and stop pollution amongst 7 billion people, there are ways to decrease the number of these jellyfish. Barriers can be created and used to somewhat stop human interaction amongst humans and jellyfish, human interaction is one thing that is causing an increase in the population of jellyfish.

In the oceans, many species of dangerous jellyfish are invading. Many issues within the oceans and that are also dealt with on land are causing this to occur. Ports provide more space for jellyfish and their offspring and eggs. Pollution, global warming, and human interaction are also main factors leading to this invasion. The main issue with the jellyfish invasion is that it is putting people, sea-life, and the food chain in great danger, but another issue is that there is just way too many, in fact some jellyfish lay up to 40,000 eggs in a day, "Science data shows that over the past few years there has been an increase in swarms of jellyfish,” said Steve Hay, a plankton ecologist. Even though some jellyfish are quite harmless, some are extremely dangerous and it’s hard to tell the difference, especially to those who don’t know the difference and the different species.

Many things, including the food chain are in critical danger if the jellyfish invasion isn’t fixed. Some jellyfish kill sea-creatures and even people with their possibly deadly stings, and jellyfish eat prey’s offspring and eggs. If the invasion isn’t stopped, the food chain could possibly be demolished. The demolition of the food chain, could lead to the extinction of multiple species, at the very worst it could lead to the extinctions of humans. For sea-creatures, jellyfish create a rather harsher environment for them. Also, jellyfish have clogged up power plants in multiple countries including Japan, Philippines, and Israel. This has caused power outages amongst many in those countries.

There are ways to stop this invasion, but many of them are rather tough to accomplish. Stopping global warming and pollution would be very hard to accomplish amongst the more than 7 billion people in the world. But, there are some other ways that could prevent at least some of the over-growth. Decreasing the amount of ports, would decrease the amount of space where jellyfish can breed, which can lead to at-least a small decrease in jellyfish. Also, denying human interaction in some areas can decrease the jellyfish population a bit, as human interaction is a main factor in the increase of jellyfish. Also, increasing the number of Bereo jellyfish in the Black Sea can do some good for it, these jellyfish eat Mnemiopsis jellyfish, which do harm to the eco-system. But, decreasing the number of Mnemiopis is creating a more balanced system or at least in the Black Sea, “We are thinking about using the Bereo in other areas, but we are concerned. There is a real fear of negative ecological consequences from introducing new species.” Experts say. In Japan where their power plants are being clogged and disturbed by the increasing number of jellyfish, some high school students from Fisheries High School in Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture Japan decided to cook the jellyfish and turn them into a caramel candy hoping this can help at least a bit.

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Explanation: true