Briefly describe Buber's continuum of I-It, I-You, and I-Thou communication - how does this continuum help us define interpersonal communication?

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I-It: Treating people like objects or tools, without much personal connection. It's like seeing someone just for what they can do for you.

I-You: A bit deeper – recognizing others as unique individuals with feelings and thoughts. It's a more personal connection, even if it's still focused on specific tasks or situations.

I-Thou: The deepest level – fully engaging with others as special and important. It's about genuine connections, where we appreciate and respect each other beyond just what we can get from the interaction.


So, the continuum helps us understand how deep and meaningful our interactions are, from treating people like tools (I-It) to forming genuine, profound connections (I-Thou). It encourages us to aim for more meaningful and respectful communication.