Read the sentence. New dress code rules have been approved by the student council. Which revision changes the sentence’s verb from passive voice to active voice? At a meeting of the student council, new dress code rules were approved. The student council approved new dress code rules. New dress code rules were approved by the student council. Members of the student council were the approvers of new dress code rules.

Answer :

The student council approved the new dress code.

This is in the active voice because the student council, the subject, is doing the action, approving, on an object, the new dress code rules.

The student council approved new dress code rules.

A sentence is in active voice when the subject performs the action denoted by the verb, that is to say, the sentence directly tells what a person or thing does. It follows the following sentence structure: subject + verb + object.

The student council (subject) approved (verb)  new dress code rules. (object).

In a passive voice sentence, the subject is not that important or relevant and the object becomes the main focus.

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