Lola is extremely nervous about giving a presentation to her classmates. What could Lola do before her presentation that is MOST likely to help her manage her anxiety when presenting?

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Lola could do several things before her presentation to help manage her anxiety. Here are some suggestions:

1. Practice: Lola can rehearse her presentation multiple times, either alone or in front of friends or family. This will help her feel more confident and familiar with the material.

2. Deep breathing exercises: Lola can practice deep breathing exercises to help calm her nerves. Deep breathing can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

3. Visualization: Lola can visualize herself giving a successful presentation. Imagining herself speaking confidently and engaging with her classmates can help boost her confidence.

4. Positive self-talk: Lola can replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Encouraging herself and reminding herself of her strengths can help boost her confidence and reduce anxiety.

5. Stay organized: Lola can prepare her materials in advance and make sure she has everything she needs for her presentation. Being organized can help reduce stress and anxiety on the day of the presentation.

6. Take breaks: Lola can take breaks to relax and recharge before her presentation. Taking short walks, listening to calming music, or practicing mindfulness exercises can help her stay calm and focused.

Overall, finding strategies that work best for her and practicing them consistently can help Lola manage her anxiety and feel more confident when presenting to her classmates.