write down a letter to your class teacher it class teacher required to arrange friendly football match of your class within at the class of your school​

Respuesta :


. Introduction

- State the purpose of the letter

- Introduce yourself as a student in the class

II. Request for a Friendly Football Match

- Explain the benefits of having a friendly football match

- Emphasize the importance of team building and sportsmanship

- Request that the class teacher arranges a friendly football match

III. Proposed Date and Time

- Suggest a date and time for the football match

- Provide reasons for why the proposed date and time is suitable

IV. Number of Players and Equipment

- Indicate the number of players required for the match

- Request that the class teacher provides the necessary equipment for the match

V. Conclusion

- Thank the class teacher for considering the request

- Express enthusiasm for the upcoming football match

- Provide contact information for further communication

VI. Closing

- End the letter with a polite closing and signature.


Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. As a student in your class, I am writing to express my interest in organizing a friendly football match for our class. I believe that having a friendly football match can greatly benefit our class by promoting team building and sportsmanship among us.

Playing sports with our classmates is a great way to get to know each other better and learn how to work together as a team. It also helps us to develop our physical abilities and improve our mental health. Therefore, I kindly request that you arrange a friendly football match for our class.

I suggest that the football match takes place on [Proposed Date and Time]. This date and time are suitable because it falls on a weekend, and most students are available during this time. Moreover, we can use the school’s football field, which is easily accessible to all students.

For the friendly football match, we would need [Number of Players] players on each team. Additionally, we request that the school provide the necessary equipment such as footballs, cones, and goal posts.

Thank you for considering my request, and I hope that we can have a successful and enjoyable football match. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].


[Your Name]


Dear [Name of a Friend],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I'm writing to tell you about some of the troubles I've been having in school recently. I believe it is critical to discuss these issues and work together to find answers; therefore, I would welcome your ideas and recommendations.

To begin, one of the major issues I've seen at school is a lack of resources in the library. Our school library is extremely tiny, and it lacks sufficient books and materials to meet the needs of all pupils. This might make finding information for research tasks or novels for pleasure reading challenging. To make the library a more beneficial resource for kids, I believe the school should invest in more books and materials.

Second, another problem I've observed is a lack of extracurricular activities. While our school has several groups and sports teams, there aren't many of them, and they may not be appealing to everyone. I believe it would be fantastic if the school could provide more varied and inclusive extracurricular activities, such as music, theatre, or community service projects, to allow pupils to explore their interests and passions.

Finally, I've noted that several of the school's classrooms and facilities need repairs and upkeep. Some of the tables and chairs, for example, are damaged, and the toilets might be filthy and unsanitary. I believe that the school management should prioritize keeping the learning environment clean and safe for all students so that we may focus on our academics without interruptions.

These are just a few of the issues I've noticed at school, and I hope we can work together to solve them and effect constructive change. Thank you for reading this letter, and I look forward to hearing your opinions.

Best wishes,

[Your Surname]